Tuesday, 25 September 2018

MTN Breached Again - How To Browse For Free Without Data On MTN .

It seems mobile telecommunications company MTN keeps getting breached by users that are looking for ways to exploit the network and this doesn't really surprise me because they reduced their night plan packages so many people switched back to using cheats . Now there are two ways to do this 

1. Use HTTP Injector

2. Use KPN Rev VPN

Lets's start off with the HTTP Injector tweak.

MTN Unlimited Free Browsing For HTTP Injector VPN 2018


An Android  Smartphone

MTN NG 3G or 4G sim without an active data plan

Use the default MTN APN settings

HTTP Injector vpn - download here.

HTTP Injector Config for MTN 0.0k Cheat - download here. (This config won't work for you if your Android phone is rooted).


 Download HTTP Injector vpn and the MTN 0.0k Config from the link above 

After installing HTTP Injector, launch the VPN app 

Tap on the Paper icon located at the top-right corner 

Tap on Import Config and locate the MTN mPulse Config file and tap on it to import. 

Finally, tap Start to connect. It will connect within 10 seconds. When it's connected you can start browsing .


If your Android phone is rooted, then download TetherNet VPN here. After installing the app, grant it root access. 

Now, share your wireless hotspot from your phone to your PC.

Connect your VPN app

Open TetherNet app and tap on VPN because we are using a VPN connection

Tap on Hotspot because we are sharing the connection via Hotspot

Finally, tap on Start Connection

You'll get a popup message "Connection Share Through AP Hotspot"

Now, start browsing in full speed on your PC. It powers the whole PC. You don't need to set any Proxy on any browser. Just leave it at "Automatically Detect Settings".

Non Rooted Users

Download PDANet

After downloading PdaNet on your phone and PC, open it on your  PC, then run it on your Android.

In your Android, open the app and tick on the connection method you want to use. There are three methods... USB, Bluetooth and WiFi connection methods.

 Now on you PC, open the PdaNet app and select the method of connection you just selected on your phone PdaNet.

Now click on connect on your PC

That's all, you will see network connection on your PC and you will be able to enjoy your free browsing both on PC and Android.

2.MTN Unlimited Free Browsing For KPN REV VPN 2018

How To Import Config On KPN Tunnel Rev Vpn

Download KPN Tunnel Rev vpn and the KPN MTN 0.0k Config from the link above 

 After installing KPN Tunnel Rev, launch the VPN app 

Tap the three dots on a straight line > tap Config options > tap Import and locate the KPN MTN 0.0k file and tap on it to import.

 That's not all. Tap on the three dashed icon and tick the SSH Tunnel box.

Finally, go back and tap Start to connect. It will connect within 10 seconds. When it does connect, launch your browser and any app.

This config expired on 20th September . More files will be updated on NaijaTechGuy as soon as updates are released. Thanks to Victor from Entclass.

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